Biographie du vendeur

Tatiana Vejic (1996, Paris) is a pluridisciplinary artist. She has a BA in philosophy (Paris-Nanterre University) and studied acting at Cours Florent Paris. She has a Master’s degree from the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Brussels (Gauthier Hubert and Stephan Balleux’s painting studio). She is the co-founder of «l’Oscillobat», an artist run-space and a residency in Etterbeek, Belgium.

Her practice of painting reinvests a number of naïve themes and relates them to empty architectures, often exalted by the choice of colors and framing.
At the same time, she develops a collection of writings based on family rituals and Serbian beliefs. The permanent struggle between two cultures and the lost mother tongue are driving points of tension in her writings.

‘My visual work is mainly based on certain visual and social contradictions. I paint what is known to me. Empty, unfinished roadside houses, artifacts
of popular culture, deserted interiors, ruins… With humor, I try to recall a number of visions of my origins. I question the cultural stereotypes of Eastern Europe, creating images of disturbing folklore and deceptive appearance.’